Scour your treasures to find which antique is worth the most! Antique Appraiser Mark Moran of TV fame will spend 4 minutes explaining what your antique may be worth. Bring in your fine art, furniture (photos okay), ceramics, glassware, vintage photographs, advertising, folk art, assorted toys, metalware, clocks, costume jewelry, musical instruments, books, and sporting memorabilia. Please note these excluded items: weapons, traps, NAZI memorabilia, fine jewelry, coin and paper money, beanie babies. If you are unsure about your item, we can contact Mark in advance by the end of March.
This is a prepaid event and a library fundraiser. Each item appraised will be a $15 charge.
Listen to Mark Moran on Big Radio courtesy of Big Radio.
Text of audio clip below:
"Every event that I do, I see amazing things. The funny thing that I’ve noticed from people who come to my programs is that they really don’t care about the dollars and cents part, they just want to know, that, you know the story that they’ve heard all their lives about Uncle Henry’s rocking chair, Aunt Martha’s vase, is true, and sometimes it is and sometimes the story grows in the telling from one generation to the next."